Occupation Therapist

Lymphedema specialist

Occupational Therapist

Call now for a free 10-minute consultation: (917) 975-8211


Lymphedema Evaluation

Lymphedema treatment

Lymphedema maintenance

How it works:

STEP 1: Lymphedema Evaluation:

Review of Medical history, baseline measurements of both affected and non-affected limb. If not swelling but at risk, then education in Lymphedema prevention including:

  • Education in precautions to prevent Lymphedema

  • Skin care to prevent infection

  • Self-monitoring

  • Fitting with compression garments for travel and during exercise.


STEP 2: Lymphedema treatment 

(2-3 x week) with manual lymph drainage, compression bandaging, fitting with compression garments and exercises to promote Lymphatic drainage. Referral for Pneumatic compression device when indicated.


STEP 3: Lymphedema maintenance

Follow up for fitting with new compression garments, review of manual lymph drainage and exercise program.

How long will it take to deliver each service?

Evaluation and education about prevention and self-massage, skin care – 1 session.

Lymphedema treatments active phase 2-3 x week x 4-6 weeks

Lymphedema maintenance – 1x week for 2 weeks and then follow up every 6 months.

How much do they cost?

Prices vary depending on insurance coverage and stage of Lymphedema. 

What guarantees can you provide your clients? 

Complimentary 10-minute phone consultation

Comprehensive treatment, collaboration with the patient in developing the treatment plan. Treatment success is dependent on compliance with recommendations made by therapist and follow through with using compression garments.


Where do the sessions take place?

At my office